Duration of project: September 2017
Client requirements and volumes: We were asked to design a “recording sheet” for an innovative project, created by Paul Olgilvie, Senior Consultant in Physical Education at Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University.
Paul’s initiative was to motivate pupils to meet the 60-minute recommendation of physical activity for children of primary school age by taking up the 30:30 Wristband Challenge. Pupils are encouraged to record their daily physical activity levels and if this was more than 60 minutes, it would contribute towards being awarded a BRONZE WRISTBAND. Paul came to us, to design a recording sheet for parents to use to capture this information in the most effective and child-friendly way.
Paul said “Inspiredby was my first choice of design agency to developed a physical activity tool for school children in Leeds. Having used their services before for research projects, I was confident that Andy would help direct my work in the right way. Not only did he change the look of my documents to give the child-friendly, but still professional feel that I was looking for, but he was even able to suggest techniques on how to capture data in a more effective way.”